Vacation in Chapala

Misa Canales, one of our BFA students, decided to share his summer adventure! This is what he had to say: While on summer vacation, my family and I went to Mexico.We had a short amount of time to…

Low Maintenance Structures for Public Places

Walpole Outdoors has decades of experience working with cities and towns to create outdoor structures for the public to enjoy. From pergolas to fencing Walpole Outdoors provides structures that are…

What Would Be In YOUR Dream Landscape?

Dream Residential Landscape Features Revealed in PPN Survey Members of the Professional Practice Networks (PPNs) were recently surveyed on a number of topics, with the questions selected by PPN…

Enzo Enea Talks Plants

Check out this interview with Enzo Enea, Swiss landscape designer, who opened the world’s only tree museum, in 2010, in Switzerland, and explains why he abandoned his first career for one that…

It’s a bird … it’s a plane … it’s SUPERBLOCK

While most cities in the world are dominated by cars, Barcelona discovered a clever way for the citizens to reclaim the streets. Check out this article to find out more about "superblocks", a…

5 Tips to Start the Academic Year Off on the Right Foot

Being the new kid can be tough. Weeks in summer vacation mode playing Pokémon Go and binge-watching Netflix shows can make it a challenge to jump into the new academic year with full force. As…

KTVU: Tech Tuesday Exclusive!

Check out this interview with Jason Jeon, a MFA grad from May 2016 who completed a collaborative thesis with the School of Game Development here at the AAU. Jason is currently producing VR…

Alumn Samar Shool and his recent National Emmy Award

On Facebook, alumn Samar Shool posted... To check out the work/show, click here.

Change in US Parking Requirements

For the last half-century, zoning codes in many American cities and suburbs — even relatively walkable, transit-heavy ones — have typically required developers to provide a certain amount of parking…