Watch the First Teaser Trailer for Pixar’s ‘The Good Dinosaur’

From Yahoo Movies! We’re weeks away from the theatrical release of Pixar’s Inside Out, a film that takes audiences on a journey deep inside the complex machinery of…

Sergio Pablos Talks About His Stunning Hand-Drawn Project ‘Klaus’ [Exclusive]

From Cartoon Brew: Animator and director Sergio Pablos has unveiled the breathtaking teaser for his hand-drawn project Klaus: No, that’s not a typo: hand-drawn. You could be forgiven for thinking…


The School of Landscape Architecture is proud to share the best student work of Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 in an eclectic collection of designs at the nexus of art and science. The exhibit reveals…

Landscape Architecture Students Design Expansion for NOMADgardens

Article by: Celeste Sunderland Photos by: Yasmine Farazian A rainbow hued chain of origami cranes hung from a fence beside a garden design by Academy of Art University sophomore Jerry Doan. She and…

IAD Needs Your Help!

We are looking for someone that can do a video recording/slide show for our Spring Show 2015. If you are comfortable with a camera (iPhone) and can spend a day at 601 Brannan…shoot us an email!…


Undoubtedly by now you have heard the devastating news of the 7.9 earthquake that has killed thousands, left hundreds of thousands homeless, and has torn families apart in Nepal. NEPAL NEEDS YOUR…

Monday Morning Photos Barcelona Edition

For today's Monday Morning Photos we have a space design by External Reference Architects in Barcelona, Spain inspired by happy pigs freewheeling around the streets of the Catalan capital, designers…

Student Work Needed!

Graduating class of 2015, we NEED your work! If you are walking in May, send us your best interior rendering for a chance to be featured in the graduation video. Deadline is Friday morning.…

IAD's Summer Expo

    Come to San Francisco for Expo '15 Admission is Free! Campus Housing is only $375 for the week/8 nights   Meet Your Program Directors:  Learn More About Your Program & Get…