Monday Morning Photo

Monday Morning Photo: Street art by Aakash Nihalani

Summer Classes: LAN 605: MS – Drawing as a Process

Course Description: Students will develop strong foundations in mechanical and freehand drawing. Orthographic projection skills will be learned and applied to a variety of projects. The connections…

Pictures from Connections & Critiques

Below are a few pictures and sketches from the Connections & Critiques event at the Walt Disney Family Museum on April 29. Our model, Sarafina, posing with Walt himself Sketch by Scotland…

Green Roof Garden Pavilion

Designer: Jeffrey Gordon Smith Project Type: Residential Project Location: Shell Beach, CA Source: Land8

Mazzo Restaurant

Concrete Architectural Associates recently complete the interior of the Mazzo Restaurant in Amsterdam, the use of scale is fantastic! Photos by Ewout Huibers

Summer Classes; LAN 260: The Technical World 1: Grading & Drainage

Wavefield Designed by Maya Lin Course Description: Manipulating land form as well as moving, collecting and using water for aesthetic and functional purposes are functions unique to the profession of…

‘Tree of Life’ Pavilion Unveiled for the World Expo 2015

'Tree of Life' Pavilion The team of Nemesi & Partners Srl, Proger SpA and BMS Progetti Srl won the competition to design the Padiglione Italia at Expo 2015 for their ambitious pavilion whose…

Thank You!

Thank you all for yesterday's event, Connections and Critique, at the Walt Disney Family Museum last night.  I have heard some wonderful feedback about the event such as... Thanks everyone for a…

Summer Classes; GLA 640 (Graduate Student Class)

Campidoglio, Rome, Italy GLA 640 Urban Open Spaces  Description: This course will explore the cultural history of open spaces such as gardens, parks, plazas, and state and national park systems…

F3 by Fabio Novembre for Vondom

A fun new lounge chair to use for your Hospitality projects. F3 by Fabio Novembre for Vondom