
If you're looking for a fun night on the town that is still design oriented, check out PECHA-KUCHA 20x20. Pecha-Kucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to…

Do Landscape Architects Need to Open up the Conversation?

Check out this fantastic Blog written on The Dirt by Darryl Jones regarding the role of Landscape Architects in the world. His views are extremely interesting and thought provoking. After reading…

“Powers of Ten” Design Workshop

Join Llisa Demetrios, granddaughter of Charles and Ray Eames for an evening of short film screenings made by Charles and Ray Eames, followed by a design workshop in which you will be experimenting…

Class Spotlight – LAN 115

Who wants to stay indoors when you can take a class that is held outdoors? LAN 115 does exactly that! Through a series of field trips you'll be exposed to the natural landscape of Northern…

ASLA Northern California Chapter

Check out the letter below from the President of the  American Society of Landscape Architects Northern California Chapter, Sarka Volejnikova. Be sure to sign up to be a part of the…

Class Spotlight; LAN 117 The Natural Factors

In this class, students have a unique  opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the natural landscape.  By exploring local sites in and around the San Francisco Bay Area , students learn to…

Smarter Living – The 2,000 Watt Society Exhibition

November 12 – 30, 2012 601 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA  94107, Ground Floor Opening reception Nov. 12 6pm Public exhibition hours: 10:00am – 6:00pm In 2008, the citizens of Zurich approved a…

Competition Opportunity!

One of the ways to get your name out in the  profession is participating in design competitions . Check out this fantastic Design competition opportunity through the ASLA. DESIGN COMPETITION. INFILL…

Exciting Events in November!

The School of Landscape Architecture Proudly Presents: CHARLES & RAY EAMES Llisa Demetrios,  grand daughter of Charles and Ray Eames  will be joining us on: Thursday, November 15th @ 7:00 pm…

The Lost Art of Drawing

Many of you are extremely talented in the digital realm, and create incredible photo-realistic renderings using a multitude of programs. However, today I want to bring your attention to an art form…