Music Industry Pioneer Daphne Oram

Women in Sound Design: How Daphne Oram Broke the Glass Ceiling

“Who run the world?” Beyoncé asked. “Girls!” they replied. Now, while there is no debate as to Beyoncé’s utmost, divine perfection, this loud and proud battle cry in her monster hit of a track…

Top Videogame OST

Music Production School Inspo: Top Video Game Soundtracks

When you think about iconic video games, what comes to mind? Long-time video game players know that good gameplay is great, but there’s a lot more that what makes games memorable, especially music…

Art U Men's Relay

Art U: January Roundup

With the start of Spring semester, we’re kicking off a new series that highlights all the major events and developments in the Academy's athletics department every month. As a NCAA Division II…

Improv Acting

Four Acting School Tips to Achieve a Successful Acting Career

The decision to embark on an acting career can be fraught with anxiety. There’s a myth out there that success as an actor comes down to luck much more than anything else. But this doesn't have to be…

Academy Weekly Roundup

Academy Weekly: Like Spring in the Air and in Your Steps

That was quite the semester opening, wasn't it? It was just your first week (back/ever) in art school, and already it was packed to the brim with activities. We here on the blog front are trying our…

screenwriter in action

What to Look for When Choosing a Screenwriting School

Pursuing a screenwriting career is one of the most exciting decisions a storyteller can make. With the right education, you can put your creative skills to use creating scripts for movies, TV…

AAU Scott Borrero

How Photography School Helps You Become a Visual Storyteller

Like any skillful painting, a great photograph tells a story, and a great series of photographs tells an epic story. Consider Walker Evans’ images of the Great Depression, published in the book Let…

campus events

Art School Campus Life: Things to Look Forward To

Campus life plays a huge role in the college experience. But what kind of events can you find only at an art school?

Mark Cofer - School of Music Production Alumni

School of Music Alumni Scores The Handmaid’s Tale Super Bowl Ad

The last time we heard of Mark Cofer (and it wasn't that too long ago, really), he was busy writing musical scores for major motion pictures and trailers for major Hollywood productions, like…

Academy of Art students

Resolve to Go “All In” on the Academy Experience: The No Regrets Approach

Happy New Year, and welcome to Spring semester. The beginning of a new art school year is now upon us, and what started as a hum in campus activity during Orientation Week has now become a full-on…