Green Roof Professional (GRP) Training
Green Roof Professional (GRP) Training – San Francisco

Mill Valley residential green roof. 2010 Green Roof Award of Excellence winner.
December 1st to 3rd, 2016
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Green Roof Design and Installation
Thursday, December 1st, 2016
Thoreau Center for Sustainability,
The Pacific Room,
1012 Torney Ave,
Green Roof Design and Installation provides the latest information on green roof benefits, technical standards, product innovations, and design and installation best practices. It presents tools and techniques needed to meet green roof project objectives on schedule, to specification, and within budget.
Instructor: Steven Peck, Hon. ASLA, GRP, Founder and President, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
Green Roof Waterproofing and Drainage
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Thoreau Center for Sustainability,
The Pacific Room,
1012 Torney Ave,
This course will provide participants with an overview of waterproofing and drainage construction and maintenance for green roof assemblies. It lays out technical vocabulary and materials and presents detailed design solutions and implementation best management practices for waterproofing and drainage in green roofs.
Instructor: Patrick Carey, GRP, Hadj Design
Green Roof Plants and Growing Media
Saturday, December 3rd, 2016
Thoreau Center for Sustainability,
The Pacific Room,
1012 Torney Ave,
This course will provide participants with an overview of plants and growing media design considerations and maintenance for green roof assemblies. It establishes design and implementation best management practices for plants and growing media in green roofs.
Instructor: Haven Kiers, LEED AP, GRP, Certified Arborist, Director, UC Berkeley [IN]LAND Program
Attend all three courses and receive a USB key containing over 350 technical papers from GRHC conferences – a $195 value.
Space is limited. Reserve your seat now.
Green Roof Design and Installation – $499 until Nov. 3rd, $524 after Nov. 3rd
Green Roof Waterproofing and Drainage – $399 until Nov. 3rd, $424 after Nov. 3rd
Green Roof Plants and Growing Media – $399 until Nov. 3rd, $424 after Nov. 3rd
GRHC members receive an additional $25 discount on each course.
Tuition includes course materials, lunch, and refreshments. If paying by cheque, please note it must be received in our office no later than one week before the event. Registrations may be canceled by a participant up to THREE DAYS prior to the event, and will incur a $50 cancellation fee per course. We regret that we cannot cancel a registration after that point.
Continuing Education Credits:
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is an approved continuing education provider with USGBC/GBCI, AIA CES, LA CES, APLD, BOMI and RCI. Earn up to 7.5 Continuing Education (Professional Development) Hours per course.