Imagining a Different Future: Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS- Imagining a Different Future: Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Imagining a Different Future: Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice
University of Tasmania
8-9 February 2018
Abstracts due 7 August 2008

About the Conference
Despite the Paris Agreement, there are real concerns the prevailing neoliberal economic and political model, particularly with the move to more insular, nationalistic, fragile politics, cannot respond effectively to climate change and excludes key considerations such as ethics and justice.

The Conference will focus on a systematic analysis of barriers to action in the context of the process of change; global governance and law; economics and energy structures; the role of science and technology; and what we are learning about human psychology in relation to climate change.

It will look at ethics, climate justice, intergenerational justice, and how abstract notions of climate justice can be translated into concrete policies, governance structures, and laws. Case studies will include ethical issues in the ongoing international climate negotiations and areas of Australian policy-making with international ramifications (e.g. the “clean coal” debate.)

It will also explore the engagement by artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians with climate change and activism and will include side events with practitioners, activists and theorists. Presenters include: Robyn Eckersley, Steve Vanderheiden, Catriona McKinnon, Marcus Düwell , Michael Reder, Nathan Bindoff, Ben Richardson and Jan McDonald.

Instructions for Submissions
The conference is envisaged to involve about 30 paper givers and 150-200 participants. There will be a number of public forums and side events associated with Conference. We are calling for abstracts from a range of experts from the social and physical sciences on all of themes of the Conference by 9.00am, Monday, 07 August 2017. The Conference is interdisciplinary and a key goal is to encourage dialogue, so presentations must communicate across fields and reach a broad audience. For more information on the conference themes and to submit an abstract, visit our website.

The Conference will follow a sustainable, no or low carbon model, to be reflected in catering, printing and other aspects of Conference Management. Participants flying to Hobart are asked use a reputable carbon offset provider.