Gucci Changemakers Logo

Call for Applications: Gucci Changemakers Scholarship

The House of Gucci is opening its doors again. This time, to receive applications for the annual Gucci Changemakers Scholarship.

How to Advance Your Education and Career Amid Omicron

Learning never stops! Advance your career and continue your education safely at home.  The latest variant, Omicron, is making headlines for extending the pandemic once again. Many…

from 2021 sffilm-festival-strawberry-mansion

From Sundance to Theatres: Strawberry Mansion is Proudly rLab Made

Strawberry Mansion, set for a theatrical release in February, seems destined for overcoming great distances--from being animated via a remote animation studio to making it as far as the renowned…

woman learning about academy of art university

5 Reasons Art School is Worth Your Investment

Before deciding that art school is a waste of time and money, consider these top five reasons you should invest in your passions and pursue a degree from Academy of Art University.

Professional Online Art and Design Tools You Can Access As an Academy Student

Leverage tons of professional online art and design tools as a student and make the best out of your education! As more and more universities embrace the hybrid or online mode of learning, we are…

Maggie Xue Us Two Tea

Maggie Xue Shows You Can Be Whatever You Want with an Art Degree

As long as you have strong foundations, you can pivot your career to anywhere.

Follow that dream, go back to school

Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Should Include Going Back to School

New Year, New You! Advance your career, land your dream job, or learn a new skill by taking classes from Academy of Art University.

happy new year 2022

2021 At the Academy: A Year-End Wrap Up

Congratulations, you made it to the end of yet another challenging year! Before we welcome the New Year, let’s take a quick look back at what Academy of Art University has been up to this entire…

blog-artu online learning

5 Reasons You Should Push Through with Your Education Despite Omicron

Delay your educational goals? No way! Here's how to do it safely.

christmas tree with presents and lights

Happy Holidays from Academy of Art University!

Warmest wishes from Academy of Art University to you all! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to wish all of you a happy and safe holiday! We hope that you can spend some quality time with…