::: Grandpa Allen Learning Garden Celebration & Volunteer Day :::

::: Grandpa Allen Learning Garden Celebration & Volunteer Day :::!
Please join us at Richmond College Prep School
for a group work party, garden viewing and POTLUCK 
Saturday April 4th
from 10am- 3pm
217 South 11th Street, Richmond, CA off Harbor Way
We will be harvesting fruits and vegetables, weeding, planting, and building.  Recipes and seeds to take home.  Both school gardens need help and your attendance is appreciated.  
Bring friends, family and KIDS! Tools and gloves will be provided by RCP but bring a hat and water.
POTLUCK LUNCH! Please bring something to share J
Thanks and we hope to see you there
xo- ::: Ms. Sarah the Garden Teacher :::
at  the Grandpa Allen Learning Garden
Richmond College Prep , Richmond, CA