The semester is quickly coming to a close… Get your Spring show entries in ASAP! Please find the instructions below:
- Deadline for submittals : May 17th, 2013
- Select examples of your best work from any of your Landscape Architecture classes and studios, including ARH 110 class, fromFall 2012 to Spring 2013. Any work older than Fall 2012 will not be considered.
- Compose project boards that are clearly labeled and include a title block with the following information: Student Name, Student ID #, Instructor’s Name, Class Name, Class Number, Project Name
- Create 150 dpi PDF files of your project boards
- Email your PDF files to Shelley Jacobs: " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
- Please note that projects submitted after May 17th will not be considered for Spring Show.
Don’t miss out on the chance to exhibit your work to professionals in the field of Landscape Architecture/Urban Design, fellow and prospective students, friends and family!