Scene from Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl

How to Become an Actor: Exploring Different Types of Theater Productions

If you’re wondering about how to become an actor, exploring different types of theater productions can help illuminate your path.

Fashion School Inspo: Famous Celebrity Fashion Designers

Thinking about going to fashion school? Find your inspiration from these celebrity fashion designers!  

Filming actors on set

A New Student’s Guide to Film Degree Program Classes

A film career offers strong financial and social opportunities — but to make use of these opportunities, you need to study what film production actually involves.

A Guide to the Business of Jewelry Design & Metal Arts

Learn student business skills and polish your creative talent with an undergraduate or graduate jewelry design degree.

Academy Weekly: Shining at Comic Con, Emmy’s and Beyond

Together with our students, alumni and staff, we’re truly a force to be reckoned with! This week we highlight our booth at Comic Con, Spring Show portfolio and Emmy-winning alumni……

Van Gogh Digital Exhibit

Fine Arts Exhibition Trend: The Augmented/Virtual Reality Experience

The field of fine arts, often associated with classic and historical works, is being carried into the future with technology. Is the AR/VR Experience here to stay?

Spring Show Industrial Design Exhibit

Industrial Design Degrees: Exploring Different Types of Product Design

If you’re curious about how new products are created, consider exploring product design and what it entails.

School of Game Development Aishwarya Chandramohan

Students’ Game Development Portfolio Showcased at the Spring Show

From virtual reality to real-world career opportunities through the Industry Day, let’s now see what the Spring Show can do for your Game Development portfolio.

The Lion King 2019

Alumni Behind the Scenes: Lion King

Any story worth telling is worth telling twice, so said Rafiki in The Lion King. Apt and timely since it's back in theaters once more, and of course, we have an alum onboard.

Architectural scale model by Meng Fan

Building an Architecture Career: Know the Basics

Architecture not only lets you use your vision and artistic abilities to bring a wide array of structures to life; it also offers incredible career paths with plenty of opportunities to grow in the…