Alumni Behind the Scenes: Toy Story 4
Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and the rest of the gang aren’t quite done with their adventures yet. Helping them on a road trip of a lifetime are some Academy of Art alumni.
And of course, the Academy of Art University community cannot be prouder of all our former students from various departments: Animation, Communications, Fine Art, and Motion Picture and TV Production. It’s absolutely wonderful to see them on their own successful adventures in pursuit of their creative passions.
There’s a whole lot of them in this project, too, so without further ado, a mighty congratulations to the following:

Update: Giving a special (albeit, belated) shoutout to Priscila Vertamatti for also working as animator on this film!
Toy Story 4 from Pixar Animation Studios opens in theaters on June 21. The gang goes on a road trip with Bonnie, with a new friend she’s (apparently literally) made, Forky, in this latest iteration of the beloved franchise. But somewhere along the way, and on a detour, Woody finds himself reunited with long-lost friends Bo Peep, and comes to question if they are where he wants to be in his toy life.
Leave it to Pixar to make existential questions like this accessible and relatable to all ages. Anyway, here’s the trailer in case you haven’t seen it yet. See you at the cinemas!
Dreaming of making toys come to life too like this talented bunch of alumni from the Academy? Apply now to get started. Need to give it some more thought? Request for more information; our academic representatives are more than happy to help!