girl painting on canvas

10 New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Make the Most of Your Art Degree

The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on where you are as an artist. Make your creative growth a priority in 2019 with these 10 New Year’s resolutions that can help you thrive and make the most out of your art degree.

1. Set aside time to create for yourself

Between art school, work, and other responsibilities, you might not have much time for your personal projects. Block out a few hours a week to create whatever you want. Focusing on your own ideas can help you recharge and remind you why you love what you love.

2. Find one major long-term goal

As the year marches on, having a long-term goal can give you a sense of direction. This goal can be as straightforward as working on building your creative portfolio and earning your art degree, or it could be as ambitious as applying to an art exhibit.

3. Find a few short-term goals

Long-term goals can provide focus and drive, but the sprint to the end can be super draining. Short-term goals can offer more immediate encouragement and help you keep your momentum up! These can even be related to your larger goal, like developing rough drafts for your big project.

4. Put your work out there

In this day and age, posting on social media like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest can help you turn that art degree into a career. The more people who are exposed to your artwork, the more chances you have to make an impact. Plus, followers can commission you for work and connect you to other cool opportunities.

5. Befriend other artists

Not only can other artists inspire you, but they can also encourage and support you through rough creative blocks. Connecting with other artists can also result in fulfilling partnerships, collaborations, and job offers.

6. Explore new techniques

Even the most creative people fall into ruts. Trying out a new technique or medium can inspire you—and may even help you discover a hidden talent. Sign up for a master class or workshop while earning your art degree, or branch out on your own. There’s no wrong way to experiment!

7. Revisit your old work

Trying new things is important, but learning from past work is also valuable. Looking back can show you how much you’ve changed and how much you can be proud of. Redoing an older piece for a before-and-after comparison can even get you inspired and motivated to do more.

8. Don’t forget to journal or sketch

Record your ideas as they come to you. Your rough notes and practice drawings can be incredibly helpful when you settle down to create a more complete piece.

9. Maintain your creative space

Whether you work in a studio or a corner of your art school dorm room, your surroundings affect your art. Cleaning up and organizing what’s around you can help bring clarity to your process and your art itself.

10. Treat yourself

Buy yourself the art supplies you’ve always wanted! Go to museum shows, art exhibits, dance performances, and theater productions. Watch a new movie. Taking the time to relax can bring new ideas and restore your determination to complete your long-term goal. Diong stuff you enjoy also serves as a great source of inspiration.

Resolutions aside, remember that there is no “one size fits all” recipe for creative growth. So why wait to start exploring what works best for you?

It’s a new year and a fresh start. Embrace risk. Take a chance on yourself. After all, this is about you—who you are, who you want to be, and what you want to do.