Seven Inspiring Art History Movies to Watch

Studying art history is using intelligence to analyze the historical context, and applying emotions to connect with art. Watching films can certainly stimulate our emotional and rational reflections…

Creative Mind Bonus 2 - ANM Career

Creative Mind Bonus Episode: The Inside Scoop on a Professional Animation Career

What better way for students to know more about the real score in an animation career than from actual professionals living it? It’s not just for students, too, but anyone else who might be…


The Art Bundle: Setting Standards in Entertainment Arts – The Best, the Worst, the Indie

For this edition of The Art Bundle for Entertainment Arts, we bring together standards and criteria—for the best and the worst in the industry.

Art U March Roundup

Due to COVID-19, all athletic events have been cancelled indefinitely from March 16. However, it didn’t stop our athletics from scoring accolades prior to the shutdown.  Now is a confusing…

book recommendations for art history students

7 Books You Should Read if You’re Into Art History

If you are working on earning an art history degree online, here is a list of our book recommendations for your pleasure reading time.


The Art Bundle: When Gaming Takes Over Modern Day Pop Culture – Online Gaming, Films, Tabletops

Gaming has grown to be such a part of today’s pop culture that it’s crossed over to and with other mediums.

Creative Mind-Michael Buffington

Creative Mind Podcast Episode 3: Michael Buffington Helps Create Worlds 10,000 Drawings at a Time

Michael Buffington is bursting with ideas about different worlds and unique environments far from what we are normally used to. All he needs to start building them is a pencil and paper.

Green Tips - Featured Photo -EricArneson_Bendway_Park

Celebrating Earth Day With 7 Tips on Sustainable Gardening

From rerouting your water supply to giving rocks a role in your sustainable gardening efforts, these seven tips are Earth Day-ready! 

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Art is Political: Nine Artists Who Used Their Art for Their Politics

As you work on a fine arts degree, you’ll find that art and politics often go hand in hand. In fact, some artists make it a point to include political statements in their artwork.