Tips for Success: International Students Studying Online
Studying online has become a regular part of pursuing a college education. If you’re an international student unfamiliar with online learning, consider these tips for academic success.
International students pursuing an online degree from a US school, either by choice or by circumstance, have a lot of benefits. By pursuing your education online, international students can earn a US degree with greater flexibility, less financial expense, and apply for internships in their own country sooner and without the hassle of visa restrictions.
The other big benefit is the skills you will attain to communicate remotely! Today’s workplace is no longer your typical office. The ability to work remotely and globally are key traits that employers seek.
Now, similar to studying on-campus, studying online as an international student will require you to be strategic to ensure strong academic performance. Here are our best tips for success if you’re pursuing your degree at Academy of Art University.

Pursue English Language Support Online
Studying art and design in a language not native to your own comes with a unique set of challenges, but with the right support and services in place, it can be very rewarding. In order to best understand their lectures, international students enroll in the Academy’s English for Art Purpose (EAP) program alongside their art and design courses.
EAP is a program designed to empower international students to speak, read, and understand the English language, and applies directly to their classes. You will have support understanding assignment instructions, mastering specific art and design vocabulary, and navigating cultural concepts.
Stay Connected and Interact Often
Studying online as an international student means you have multiple opportunities to connect with your instructors and peers. Ask questions, request virtual office hours, form online study groups, engage in group discussions in your virtual classes, and more. In a virtual environment, the possibilities to connect are endless.
Your student services advisor is a great person to stay connected with on a semesterly basis. They will keep you enrolled in the right classes and provide you with resources and information on anything from academic success to being more involved.

Time is Your Most Important Resource
It can be easy to prioritize other things when you’re studying online. Therefore, time management is an important skill to master both academically and professionally.
Registering for virtual on-site classes is a great way to prioritize your learning as they consequently demand both your attention and attendance. Be aware of time zone differences depending on where you are in the world. If virtual on-site isn’t possible, schedule your traditional online classes in your calendar like you would an appointment. Taking classes with a friend is another fun way to keep yourself accountable.

Make Sure Your Technology Works
Online classes will require that you understand the basics of technology and have the proper system requirements. Students new to online learning can access video resources. These resources will walk you through your learning management system, what an online class looks like, and how to successfully participate.
Make sure your Academy email and other Academy websites are compatible in your country. Some countries will have a firewall that will prevent access to certain websites or messaging systems. If that’s the case, talk to the IT department to get set up with a virtual private network (VPN).
Following the tips above will create a successful foundation for your academic career. Moreover, as more design careers pivot to remote work, you’ll already know how to stay connected and use the right technology and software. For more tips on successful online learning, check out our blog post “Eight Best Online Learning Practices”. See you online!
Interested in an online degree in art and design? Request more information! A dedicated member of Academy of Art University’s admissions team will guide you through next steps. Enrollment is open for online and virtual on-site classes, apply today!