5 Reasons You Should Push Through with Your Education Despite Omicron
Delay your educational goals? No way! Here’s how to do it safely.
Omicron is the latest variant to make the news, and much like its predecessors, it’s causing many to wonder how it will impact their educational journey as they move into the new year.
As we continue to adapt to a new normal, we understand the possible impacts of the disruptions caused by the pandemic on various activities. For example, this variant may very well put a wrench in your plans such as traveling, attending in-person conferences, or even simply being in gatherings with large crowds.
Education is another big topic and, for many, the question of whether they should put their education on hold and consider pushing their start dates is still looming. But fret not because we have the answer for you: Do not delay and use the tools to your advantage. Here’s how.
Flexible Online Learning
With so many flexible options available to start your education, students everywhere are choosing to get started now rather than get left behind. And you should too! There are many options to safely take classes from the comfort of your home.
Online and virtual learning is convenient and readily available, and the choice to attend classes on-site at a later date allows you to decide when you feel safe to be surrounded by your peers.
It’s also possible for you to take a combination of on-site and online classes (hybrid) if that makes you feel more comfortable. The sooner you start, the sooner you can complete your degree and make progress toward your potential earning power.
If you’re looking to pursue a college degree, learn a new skill, or change your career, there really is no reason Omicron should impact your goals. Here are five reasons why you should consider continuing your education through distance learning.
5 Reasons Online Classes Are Right For You
Convenience with Quality
Online learning is on the rise due to the pandemic, but several benefits have come to light as a result. With online learning, students can now pause and repeat lectures, feel more confident about sharing their opinions, and take the time to provide thoughtful and intentional feedback.
Academy of Art University, for example, has 20 years of experience teaching art and design courses online. As working professionals active in their respective industries, our experienced faculty members are guided by their know-how in designing a curriculum that will give you the practical skills that can help you land a career you’ll enjoy.
While online learning is new for some schools still trying to figure out how to unmute themselves on Zoom, the Academy is a veteran in distance education and has won many awards in this area. They can provide an effective and seamless online educational experience using much of the same technology and techniques you’d find in the classroom.

A Step Toward a New Career
If COVID has taught us anything, it’s that we should be doing more of what we love. This past September, a record number of US workers voluntarily quit their jobs. If you thought to yourself, “now is the time to leave my soul-crushing job” and you still haven’t done it, pursuing an online degree or even a few classes will get you a step closer to a career that you actually can enjoy.
Read our latest post about rising careers in the new work-from-home era.
Learn New Skills
Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill for fun, work, or a side-hustle, now is a perfect time to take a course. Take any of our continuing education courses and transfer them into a degree program when you’re ready. You’ll also have access to online resources and industry-standard tools to work on your projects. A perfect example is The Remote Lab (rLab) at the School of Animation and Visual Effects allows students to transform their own laptops into workstations that can run major VFX software with a stable internet connection.
Ultimate Flexibility
With so much of the world in constant flux, the Academy makes it easy for you to adapt to the changes you want or need to make.
Students who take classes online or virtual on-site have the opportunity to seamlessly switch to on-campus learning at any time, and vice versa.
This is especially beneficial for anyone outside of the US looking to begin their education and keep up with their peers. With flexible online learning options, Academy students can truly customize a schedule as unique as their needs.
Improve Your English Language Skills
If you’re an International student, you know how important it is to not only be proficient in your language of study but know how to apply it as well. Our English for Art Purpose (EAP) classes are designed to help you with the vocabulary and language you’ll encounter with your art and design studies. Starting these classes now will prepare you for success when you join us on campus.
Academy of Art University gives you all the choices so you can pick and choose what makes you feel the most comfortable! We offer onsite, online, and virtual classes. Remember, you can always start online and then come onsite or take a hybrid approach and mix and match. Learn more by requesting information from an admissions representative and apply whenever you’re ready to join.