Awesome Classes You Can Take for Your Communications Major
Now more than ever, communications is one of the most sought after careers in our society. It is no longer confined to written content but expands to include video, photography and other forms of interactive media.
A Multimedia Communications major provides you with opportunities to take several valuable and exciting courses. From drone photography to content creation for various platforms, you can expect to study a wide range of topics in the field.
If you’re thinking of pursuing a BA in Communications, these are some of the fun courses you can take from Academy of Art University.
COM 102: Visual Storytelling: Editing Fundamentals for Short-Form Video Content
Starting off with the basics, this core course is all about the foundation of video content. It involves the use of editing techniques to create certain emotional effects in videos.
Students focus on short-form video content as they learn to use different skills, such as audio mixing and importing, to edit footage. Each student not only captures their own digital footage but also edits them to create engaging storytelling.
COM 105: Writing for Multimedia
From traditional to social media, our writing and tone of voice have evolved tremendously throughout the years. Writing for Multimedia teaches students several techniques for writing and reporting on various media forms.
It also teaches how to craft engaging and entertaining, yet also still informative, content through compelling writing.

COM 200: Multiplatform Content Creation
In this day and age, content encompasses engaging writing, videos and photography. Multiplatform Content Creation course helps students develop video storytelling skills to create news reports.
Students take this course along with COM 210: Multiplatform Content Live, which allows them to stream 30-minute news productions live. The main objective of the course is to strengthen students’ content creation and editing skills for news production.
COM 208: Dynamic Aerial Imagery: Fundamentals of Drone Production
First of its kind, this drone production class provides students a glimpse into a new emerging field of communications.
They study different topics in this field, including aerial photography and cinematography exercises, as well as technical information on drone safety regulations.

COM 500: Internship in Communications and Media Technologies
As a communications major, students have the ability to get internships in their chosen field.
This course allows students to put the skills and techniques to use while getting firsthand experience in the workplace. Qualifying students are able to use the “internship for credit” option when they take this course.
These internships also give them great opportunities to meet people in the field and form valuable connections.
Getting Started With Communications
Do any of these courses spark your interest? They are only a small sample of what multimedia communications majors learn throughout their academic career. Students learn a variety of skills in writing, video and production classes to supplement their well-rounded communications curriculum.
If you want to learn more about multimedia communications, request information from Academy of Art or apply now.