Common Mistakes in Online Learning and How to Avoid Them
Don’t assume getting an online degree is easier. Here are some mistakes you might be making that could impair your education.
The convenience and flexibility available with online education have made it a popular choice among adults looking to start or complete their degrees. Students can also complete coursework around their schedule and avoid the commute to a college campus.
However, earning an online art degree isn’t without its challenges. We highlight common mistakes made by online students and what you can do to avoid them below.
Not Confirming the Accreditation

One of the first things employers and college administrators might look for when receiving a new application is that the prospective employee or student previously attended an accredited college.
Accreditation means that an outside third-party organization has determined the school and/or its programs offer good value to the student after completing an independent review.
If you want to have a successful education online, which will substantially help with your future career plan, the fundamental thing you do is to find out if the online art education degree programs are accredited.
Poor Time Management Skills

Balancing multiple competing priorities like a job, family responsibilities, and the demands of an online art degree program are never easy.
Reminding yourself that this situation is temporary and that your perseverance will pay off later can help you juggle priorities and make the necessary short-term sacrifices.
You will quickly learn when you need to say no to activities that take time away from studying while providing little benefit in return.
Underestimating Online Education

Students sometimes underestimate how much time they must dedicate to their studies or assume that online education doesn’t require as much dedication as an in-person one.
In reality, online students need even more commitment and self-motivation to study and complete their assignments. You must want to complete your online art degree enough to stay motivated without anyone there to push you to get your work done.
Employers don’t necessarily care whether you completed an online degree or attended classes in person if you had the experience, necessary skills, and an outstanding portfolio.
They’re much more concerned that you acquired both theory and practice in an art-related field that you can immediately use.
Not Having Access to the Right Technology to Complete Course Requirements

Online art degree programs require you to view visuals that require decent bandwidth and a fast Internet connection speed to see appropriately.
Courses such as Storyboarding and Visual Effects for animation and visual effects majors are just two typical examples. Before you enroll in online education, it’s good to ask about technology requirements and ensure that you can meet them.
You could also need to purchase software programs like the Adobe Creative Suites if you don’t have it already.
You can check out if the school has free online student academic support info available for you to troubleshoot technical issues, take advantage of virtual labs and cloud services, get help with time management and online learning strategies, and much more.
This could be an indication of quality education. When schools provide these resources and information, it means that they care about their students, and understand you have a lot on your plate already and want to make the online education experience as stress-free as possible for you.
Not Establishing a Peer Network or Office Hours with Instructors

Online students sometimes make the mistake of not connecting with other students and instructors nearly often enough. It can be easy to fall into thinking that you must go it alone when you’re completing courses online, especially if you’re doing so from home while you’re by yourself.
The art student community is a vibrant one that can benefit a lot if you take the time to make the right connections. Even online students can become a close-knit group if they’re willing to invest the extra effort.
We recommend checking in with each of your instructors regularly during their office hours as well. Your peers and professors can serve as important contacts the closer you get to launching your art career.
Hesitating to Ask for Help When You Need It

Whether it’s about how to improve your work in an illustrations class or you had an emergency that caused you to fall behind in your advertising class, please ask your instructors and even other students for help when you need it.
There’s no need to feel embarrassed for not understanding an art concept or needing more time to complete an assignment due to unplanned personal circumstances.
Remember, even the instructors are not by your side; they still want to see you succeed.
Are you ready to secure your future in the art industry? Request information about the online degree programs at Academy of Art University today.
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