
Female Leaders in Art and Design: Catherine Tate

Catherine Tate never really thought about how her being a woman affected her role and presence in the industry—until one pivotal event when she came face to face with the imbalance.

The director of the School of Animation & Visual Effects at Academy of Art University shares in this video her experiences working in the industry as a compositor. “I wasn’t told I could or couldn’t do anything. I wasn’t ever told that my gender would affect me.”

While she may be considered fortunate in that regard, there was still one instance that opened her eyes to the reality that things may not be as peachy as it seemed in terms of gender equality in the field.

“I remember walking in the main hall of the convention center and just seeing a sea of heads of people that were all men, and I felt, wow, this is really not balance.”

For Catherine, however, while there’s still a long way go in terms of truly achieving gender equality in the art and design industry, the important thing is to:

Keep your eye on the ball, keep your eye on what you want to accomplish, and don’t let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.

Catherine Tate, Director, School of Animation & Visual Effects

Academy of Art University’s animation school, as well as the rest of the art and design programs, are currently available exclusive online in light of the city measures against COVID-19. Rest assured, however, that the academic calendar will progress as planned, thanks to our established online education program.

We are accepting applications for the summer and fall semesters so submit your application today. Get in touch with our admissions representatives to request information on our online programs, financial aid options, and more.