Prepare for Your Art Degree With Help From High School Electives
When you’re in high school, you might think you don’t need to take art electives if you’re planning to get your art degree. You may want to wait until you get to college so you can study more specific areas of focus.
But an art degree doesn’t begin the moment you walk into your first classroom of higher education. It starts when you decide to get serious about your future. If you’re interested in art and design careers, you can use your high school electives as a springboard to success.
Explore the Field
In an industry filled with countless opportunities, the art industry can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared for it. Taking high school electives can help you understand how each field works so you have a better idea of the future.
You’ll be able to narrow down the choices of your field as you continue your art education in school. From shadowing to computer graphics, high school is a chance to set the stage for a lucrative future.
Diversity in Classes
There are some classes that you’re bound to overlook in high school, maybe because they just don’t catch your interest or because you simply have no idea what it’s about in the first place. However, you may surprise yourself if you’re open to a diverse sampling of classes.
Bottom line is, you won’t know that it’s not the right fit for you until you try them out. When you’re willing to learn new techniques and skills, you may just find your passion hiding where you least suspect it.

As a high school student, you are required to take a variety of classes. From Science to Literature classes, you have the opportunity to discover what you like and don’t like.
High school elective take you on a journey of self-discovery one step further by exposing yourself to new subjects. You’ll get a chance to discover new interests and passions through trials and errors, narrowing down your choices for the future.
Once you find yourself doing extra credit or putting in extra hours for in a class, it’s a good sign that you’ve found the field for you.
Head Start
College can be a stressful transition no matter how prepared you feel for it. If you already know the art and design careers that appeal to you, it’ll make you more confident in the beginning.
With the training you’ve received from your high school art electives, you can get a head-start in your courses. Additionally, you’ll have a base from which to start stretch your skills in new directions moving forward.

You’re on a Path
Your love of art likely began the first time you got a new package of crayons. Maybe it was the feeling you had when you saw bright colors of paint on a white background.
Whatever it is that first sparked your creativity, you can keep your momentum going with the right classes. You likely already have many of the skills you need to handle your coursework. A little extra training and focus will propel you that much further down the path.
If you’re looking for more ways to improve your, Academy of Art offers a Pre-College Art Experience (PCAE) programs. This dual-scholarship program offers no-tuition summer classes where students can earn scholarship dollars toward future courses at the Academy.
Available in summer and fall, you’ll build on your existing portfolio without the concerns of application and tuition expenses. All you have to do is pass the classes to earn scholarship dollars toward your art degree.
Develop your art skills in the summer by requesting more information or speak with an Admissions representative to apply today.