Call for Submissions: Academy of Art Does INKTOBER
Hey, all you creative, talented members of our fun art school community! It’s October–you know what that means!
If, for some unfathomable reason, you don’t know what October means, allow us to help you out: IT’S #INKTOBER and this means you should be doing crazy loads of art throughout the month!
We’re midway through it, and we’ve had plenty of really cool submissions on our Instagram already, but this is just a gentle push to remind you that we’re only halfway through the month. So really, there’s plenty of time for you to send us your entries.
Simply check out the prompt list below, and then make sure to tag us in your post to be featured. Use the hashtags #inktober2019 and #artu, and you’re good to go!
We’re waiting!

Apply now to be a part of the cool and fun Academy of Art University communtiy! Request information from our admissions representatives to find out more about our degrees offered, financial aid, and more!