CONTEST: Create Your Department Mascot as a Cartoon and Win!
No offense to Artie, he’s great and all. But would you maybe like to take a whack at creating your department’s own mascot?

Oh, you didn’t know Artie? Well, that’s Artie. For sure you’ve seen him around, posting around elevators, lobby desks, and whatnot. But, this is not about Artie.
This is about your own department and its own mascot… Oh,right, your department doesn’t have one.

How about this? Why don’t you design your own school s mascot by making a cartoon, and we’ll make it worth your while with a cool prize?
Yep, let’s get everyone to join, and get good ol’ Artie some fresh new company around campus! The days of isolation are over, why leave him in it, right?
So for this coming National Cartoonists Day in May, throw on your creativity hat and give it your best shot! Make it fun, make it colorful, make it poetic and surreal–it’s up to you! Follow the mechanics below, watch out for the submission deadline, and get ready to introduce your very own mascot cartoon.
Who knows, impress them enough and your school might consider making it official. 😉
- Contest Opens: April 21
- Create and draw your school’s mascot as a cartoon
- Maximum of 3 unique cartoon mascot entries allowed per student
- Introduce your cartoon mascot in 1-2 sentences
- Submit your entries:
- Submission Deadline: May 3
The winner will be notified and announced on our social platforms, and will receive cool prizes!
Get going then! Artie can’t wait to meet his new friend!
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Hero image by Malin Falch – School of Illustration