Creative Mind Podcast Episode 58: KC Knoop Soars High with Aerial Photography
Not long ago while looking for his art medium of choice, KC Knoop discovered aerial photography. It was in the sky that he was introduced to a whole new plane for art.
KC Knoop proudly served in the United States Coast Guard for 20 years. During those years, he spent most of my time away from home in the southern hemisphere fighting the drug wars that so often threatened our borders. During his years of service to the country, he developed a knack for photography that morphed into a professional career.
Duane Michals, a great influence to KC, once stated, “Either you are defined by your medium or you must redefine it.” Not long ago while seeking ways to do just that, KC discovered aerial photography. It was in the sky that he was introduced to a whole new plane for art. “The geometric lines created by the earth all leading to a distant sunrise captivated me.”
He found himself wake hours before the sunrise to reach locations he could photograph just as the sun breaks the horizon. By the time he would return home after hours of photographing, he had already put in a full day as members of his family are just getting up to begin theirs. It is aerial photography that has not only redefined his medium, but has shaped him as an artist.
KC Knoop earned his BFA in Photography from Academy of Art University‘s School of Photography.
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