Women in Fine Art by Women in Fine Art

We're here to celebrate women in all their beauty and complexity, as depicted in art.


Fashion Creatives to Watch from the School of Fashion

These up and coming fashion designers are showing why Academy of Art University is a recognized leader in fashion education.

Metaverse: Decentraland

Fashion Creates a New World of Opportunity in Metaverse

The emergence of the metaverse provides fashion professionals opportunities to team up with the game development industry and put their creative skills to new use.

Academy of Art University 2020 Collection

Flashback to Fashion Week

February is Fashion month. Celebrate the Academy’s talented fashion designers with a flashback to previous New York Fashion Week shows!

The Show Must Go On! How Fashion Weeks are Dealing With the Pandemic 2022

After a year of hosting shows virtually, top fashion houses are going back on the runway. 

Caroline Cassini_Bonhams-Matt Tierney-Hagerty Insider

Education and her Passion for Automobiles Landed “The Dream Job”

From a very early age, Caroline Cassini knew she wanted to get into the car world.

international student working on projects from home

Tips for Success: International Students Studying Online

Studying online has become a regular part of pursuing a college education. If you’re an international student unfamiliar with online learning, consider these tips for academic success.

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Celebrate Macintosh Day with Advertising Alum Jason Sperling’s “Get A Mac” Campaign

Yes, this National Holiday exists. And yes, THAT "Get A Mac" ad campaign for Apple was created by an Academy of Art University graduate.

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A $10 Million Dream Come True: Architecture Alum Wins AIA SF Design Awards

If you could win $10 million, what passion project would you pursue and why?

Noor plays to review the latest game.

Noor Alkhadra Believes “If I Can Win At Games, I Can Win At Life”

As a female from Saudi Arabia, Noor Alkhadra is breaking gender stereotypes in the male-dominant game development industry.