RSVP: ESports Livestream for Overwatch 3v3 Intramural
Ain’t no party like an Esports livestream party! Riding on the back of last week’s Fortnite Challenge, we are hosting our second intramural tournament for Overwatch. Watch your ARTU Esports “hero shooters” combat hostile robots and defend world peace in two opposing teams live tomorrow, March 16, Saturday, at 2pm PST.
A first-person multiplayer shooting game set in the future of earth, Overwatch is one of the favorites among professional Esport leagues. Tomorrow, we’re bringing the popular franchise back home and inviting you all to tune into the intramural tournament livestream. Follow along to watch your fellow ART U Esport players navigate through chaos and fight hard to save earth from total destruction.
Can’t make it tomorrow? Don’t fret—our ART U Esports team regularly streams intramural tournaments for all kinds of popular gaming franchises. Chances are you’ll find a gaming livestream you want to watch in the future!
Stay in the loop on the latest updates on their Twitter channel and never miss out any live streams by following their Twitch channel. Game on!