a U.S. flag set against a blue sky to celebrate Veterans Day

Academy Weekly: Honoring Veterans Day and More!

As we welcome the week by honoring Veterans Day, find out what you missed and what you can look forward to on our blog!

Monday, November 11th, marks Veterans Day in the United States. So let’s have a round of applause for the veteran community at Academy of Art University and beyond! Thank you for your service and your lasting contributions to our society.

Turning Back the Clock

No, we aren’t talking about Daylight Savings Time.

Maybe you took a social media hiatus last week, or maybe you got swamped with mid-semester projects and forgot to check back on our blog. Whatever your reasons, we’ve got your back – along with a quick, easy-to-digest update on what transpired at the Academy.

First, we highlighted several creative giants in the fashion and music industries. Bidding farewell to October, we also published our monthly overview of Art U sports.

Then we had two special standalone posts – one about important financial aid terms everyone should know, and another about our 24th Annual Faculty and Alumni Fine Art Auction, a major Academy event.

Last but not least, we rounded off the week with a deep dive into ethical practices in jewelry and metal arts, followed by tips to help acting students build vital connections.

Up This Week

Aside from Veterans Day, you have more of our blog posts to eagerly anticipate over the course of the week (as usual, because consistency is key).

Our current line-up covers subjects ranging from the most hated and beloved fonts in graphic design to vintage ads that revolutionized the advertising industry. We’ll also have:

Of course, there’s always more happening at the Academy. Stay on the lookout for an event RSVP for a Blizzard livestream about the World of Warcraft video games!

Curious about the programs offered at the Academy? Request more information from us, or start on your application to join our thriving community of artists and designers.