girl enjoying summer at the beach

Academy Weekly: A Much-Deserved Mid-Year Break

And just like that, we’re now halfway through 2019! With summer right on top of us now, it should be a good time to do a mid-year evaluation of where you’re at with your new year’s resolutions—if you ever set any.

But also, summer is a good time to prepare for the next step in your life or career. At Academy of Art University, we do make sure to have fun too during this season, and there’s nothing more fulfilling than to see you get the help you need in mapping out your future in college.

Keeping Full Speed on Summer Break

So for that, we have some very important information about programs and degrees you can take in our art shool:

  • Summer Hospitality Program – Want to see for yourself how it’s like to be a member of the Academy of Art community? This summer program is a great opportunity for you! Read up for the details.
  • Technology & Multimedia Communications: The Rise of the Drones – Drones are all the rage nowadays, and of course, the Academy’s School of Communications isn’t about to miss out on it. See how their curriculum is helping students get a leg up in the ever-evolving industry of communications and multimedia.
  • A Guide to Fine Arts Degrees – “Fine Arts” can be pretty vague, although paintings and museums usually do come first to mind. There’s much more to it than just, though. Find out what are the programs you can expect when you sign up for a fine arts degree.
  • Alumni Behind the Scenes: Godzilla – We try to keep up-to-date with what our alumni are doing outside of school, and of course, it’s always a great sense of pride to see them doing their thing. Your name could be in one of these posts in the future!

Up This Week

For those of you still undecided on what to do or where to go for college, you can look forward to more informative posts here on the blog.

In focus are degrees on art history, advertising, fine arts, and film school. That’s not to say that’s all we’ve got, though. We’re going to make sure you keep improving your skills even while you’re on school break, so we have some helpful tips for that too.

So yeah, you know the drill. We’ll just keep ‘em posts coming. Keep us company throughout the break, will you?

If you’d like to know more about Academy of Art and the courses offered, request for more information to get in touch with an admissions representative. That, or you can get started with your application today!