An image of the Avengers standing in a field, left to right: Captain America, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Okoye, and Thor

Academy Weekly: Moving Into May

Monday marks the start of another busy week at this San Francisco art school!

So as usual, let’s take a moment to recap what went down previously at the Academy.

A Month of Movies

April’s been a big month for Hollywood—especially the caped and cowled side of it. Avengers: Endgame has been the talk of the town, and like everyone else, we at the Academy are buzzing with excitement:

  • We congratulated our art school graduates who poured their creativity into this roller coaster of a movie.
  • We also got in touch with Jan Philip Cramer, the Academy alum who led the award-winning team that designed Thanos.

Of course, superhero movies can’t always hog the spotlight:

Turning Over a New Page

Whether you’re in high school or college, a freshman or a graduating senior, the end of the school year is fast approaching. Naturally, the Academy’s prepared a few posts to help you deal with the transition.

  • Last week, we sent out our final RSVP for our Chicago College Connection on Saturday, April 27th. If you missed your chance to get detailed info about our art school programs, never fear! We have more events planned for the year.
  • Graduating high school seniors are probably dealing with a whirlwind of emotions right now. To help you get ready for art school, we made a list of seven things you can look forward to!
  • And for those of you already in college, we made a list of five cool communications classes you can take at the Academy—including a class about filming aerial footage with a drone.

From Classic to Current

While we love merging art with tech, we also have a healthy appreciation for the classics.

What’s Next

That’s a wrap on last week! As for what’s coming up on the blog, here’s a quick sneak peek:

  • We have updates on NXT UP Fest, which we mentioned above!
  • College rejection is hard, so we’re putting together a quick list of tips on how to pick up and move on.
  • We’re also sharing ten of our favorite movies about high school life.
  • And lastly, if you’re a Pop Art fan, we’ll be diving into what puts the pop in Pop Art.

As always, stay tuned with the Academy blog!

Header image courtesy of IMDb