
The Big Reveal: Industrial Design School Collab with Subaru Revs to Success

The Industrial design school and other participating departments were tasked to answer one question: What will Subaru look like in 2030? We’re about to find out.

It’s been a long, tedious journey for these Academy of Art University students as they envisioned, planned, created, and presented their version of the brand 10 years from now. It was no small feat, for sure, especially with an actual car manufacturing company assessing their every move.

They made it through, and they couldn’t be happier about their accomplisments. The different teams, including students from collaborating schools such as Interior Architecture & Design, Advertising, and Graphic Design, presented their final products to Subaru executives and other industry experts at the 2019 Spring Show.

Designing a Lasting Impression

The amount of work that they were able to put in given the amount of time they had was definitely of the aspirational sort. Subaru’s Senior Manager for Product Planning & Design Matt Wherry, said so as much. “Beyond impressed,” he said upon seeing the presentations.

Subaru’s General Manager for Design, who particularly liked the students’ approach to the brand logo, was equally impressed was Mamoru Ishii. “Normally, in this type of project, students do not think of redesigning the brand logo.” And because he so liked what he saw from the first group, it set the bar high for the rest. Good thing they were all able to step up to the plate and deliver.

From car design to UX/UI, and even branding, this Corporate Partnership class with Subaru is a certified success. We’re so proud and happy for our students, especially because this opportunity opened up new doors to new ones.

Without further ado, here’s the final video in this Subaru x School of Industrial Design partnership video series. May this bring you pride and inspiration as you pursue your own creative projects!

Relieve their complete journey. Revisit Parts 1 through 5 of the series below:

Corporate partnership classses are an integral part to the curriculum of Academy of Art University. With this, the students are able to experience real-world projects in collaboration with established brands.

Get started on your car designing dreams. Apply now at the School of Industrial Design and work with topnotch manufacturing brands in class. You can also request information from our admissions representatives for more details on our other art & design programs, housing, financial aid and options, and more.